Trader Joe's Signs by Wayne Chan

Signs #01-30
Signs #31-57


Ninjas and Samurais rule!


I did this one for all the people waiting in line for the bathrooms


blurry...I know...had to snap this one as I did a flip over a cart




penquins...lots of penquins


drinking and boating...boating and drinking


beware of the six winged parrot


She's hot...I would marry her...if I was a cartoon


Water is life


Make a stand...for something


Had to use my swift monkey style


Had to use my quick porcupine style


I'm a flower in a bottle


Chips and Beer Good Indeed




Snack Attack!


This one never got put up because the wine never came hisssss.


The painting depicts how the items are made on an island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.


Sign artist C Ric and I collaborated on this one.


Hmm...I think this might be my first appearance in an endcap sign.


Going for that big screen movie look.


Fantastic Four meets Trader Joe's


Apple juice and chips...yum?




Just another sign in paradise.


Worked on making things more colorful, informative, and my lettering skills dude.


Rigo is the captain/boss of the Trader Joe's I work and I am sure glad he has a great sense of humor.